SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis Mistakes to Avoid


"So you want to avoid the common SWOT Analysis mistakes, here's how"



Tips to Avoid the Common SWOT Analysis Mistakes

Here are three of the most common mistakes people make when completing their SWOT diagram

  1. Do your homework
  2. Link your actions with your SWOT
  3. Stay away from solutions



Do your homework

You will find that the content of the vast majority of completed SWOT diagrams contain unverified strengths and weaknesses that are not aligned to the organizations core capabilities. Worse still, the people completing the SWOT have not used the better than your competitor test.

Most completed analysis also show that those completing the SWOT have only a limited understanding of the organizations strategic environments.

Before you start your SWOT analysis, take five minutes to learn how to complete an environmental analysis, click here to go to our environmental analysis home page.

Scroll down for the next common mistake to avoid



Link your actions with your SWOT

During the formation of strategy and development of business plan activities the majority of people do not focus on the content of their SWOT analysis. Instead they often almost completely ignore their SWOT and develop a business plan that has no regard for this analysis.

You have an opportunity to be different, read our article SWOT now what to identify what you should do once you have completed your SWOT.

Scroll down for the next common mistake to avoid



Stay Away from solutions

This is an analysis tool only that should contain independently verifiable statements of fact. You should stay away from solutions or developing solutions until you have a completed SWOT diagram. Once you have a competed SWOT Diagram you will shift to solution mode.

You will find that many people will want to list solutions in the opportunities section of their SWOT.

For example,

Instead of having as an opportunity “we can improve employee retention”, you should put “High employee turnover is impacting our ability to ………………….. ” as a weakness.

And, in the opportunities section

Instead of listing “We could promote a new environmentally friendly range” you could put “There is a shift in consumer buying patters towards more expensive but environmentally friendly brands”

It is important, though challenging, to stay away from solution mode.




Now that you are familiar with the top 3 common mistakes people make when completing a SWOT analysis, click through to our SWOT home page or navigate to one of our other SWOT pages.

  1. SWOT Templates
  2. SWOT Examples
  3. SWOT PowerPoint
  4. Common SWOT Analysis Mistakes
  5. SWOT Tips – Check out these articles!




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