A good leader unlocks potential
Empowering others to exced
Leaders who do a few simple things well tend to achieve high performance in their teams. They inspire their people, they bring their strategy to life and they effortlessly drive change.
Here at What Makes a Good Leader Ian Pratt brings to you his years of leadership expertise where he has repeatedly coached leaders on how to engaged their average-performing teams, resulting in significantly higher performance. These leaders have motivated their teams to improve performance by an average of 71%.
Analyzing your leadership and management activity using lean six sigma and infusing what we know about employee engagement and high performing teams in to a coaching plan will see you quickly improve the performance of your teams with most leaders achieving greater than 50% improvement in performance from their team in under 8 weeks.
Using Management by Walking Around
With motivational One on One feedback
With Performance Management
Done Right Lift Your Teams Performance
Understanding Change Management
Reasons for Leading Change Well
Change Theories
Discover our Unique Change Process
A good leader is unlikely to be aware of their uniqueness or the value that they bring to the organisation as they will be humble, however they will lead a team that performs at a level far higher than others in their industry, upto 202% higher. Outsiders will explain the success as luck or as being in the right place at the right time but there is a uniqueness to all great leaders.
Great leaders have two passions, firstly a passion for their people and secondly a passion for the organisation and its purpose. They combine these two passions to provide focus and purpose for their people and, in doing so, they engage the passion of their people.
There is no task for being passionate about people, being passionate about people is a theme that is woven through every aspect of a leader’s role, it is evident in the way you start your day, give feedback, cascade strategy, manage performance, conduct one on ones, and run team meetings.
Leaders are not born they are developed through hard work and a constant focus on improving all areas of their leadership. Poeple are complicated and leading them is an evolving challenge. Give yourself fully to this challenge.
Being passionate about your organisation is about looking beyond your strategy and seeing the value your organisation adds to the people outside of it, the customers who receive your organisations goods and services. It is about linking that value to each and every employee’s contribution whilst keeping a focus on those few things that lead to greater business success.
Passion for your organisation includes how your organisation ontributes to society, the value it adds to customers. Look beyond your mission and vision to find a higher purpose that will motivate and inspire your people.
At what makes a good leader you will find out how you too can become a great leader, inspiring your people through your passion and achieving 202% more than others in your industry.